A quote

A quote from Pier Paolo Pasolini that I find inspiring enough to save for future reference: not to forget who I am, never to lose my humanity, to not sacrifice my soul for a career, a personal goal, or any other selfish activities.

“I believe it is important to educate the younger generations about the significance of failure — how to handle it, in the humanity that flows from it, to create an identity that can perceive a shared sense of fate, where one can fail and start over without its value and dignity being affected; not to become a social outcast; not to step over the body of others to come first.

In this world of vulgar and dishonest winners, of false and opportunistic prevaricators, of people who matter, who occupy power, who snatch the present and the future, to all the neurotics of success, of appearing, of becoming.

To this anthropology of the winner, I much prefer the loser. It is an exercise that I do well and reconciles me with my sacred little world.”